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Why You Need a Call-to-Action in All Your Content

You've probably heard the phrase "Call to action" before. It's a term that's used to describe the words you use to get people to take an action on your website. For example, if you want someone to buy something from your store, you'd put a button on your site that says "Buy now" or something similar. That button is called a call-to-action (or CTA) because it calls people into action by telling them exactly what they need to do next in order for their purchase to be completed.

There are lots of different types of CTAs out there—but not all of them work equally well for different types of websites and businesses. Here's how we can help you create better CTAs:

Make it your headline.

The most important part of a call-to-action is the action itself, so make it clear what you want people to do. Write out your call and then ask yourself, “What am I asking them to do?” The answer should be something specific: buy a product or sign up for my newsletter or click on this link. If there's any ambiguity at all in what they're supposed to do with their mouse clicks, change it until the action is crystal clear.

It's also important that you make it clear what they'll get out of following through on your ask—what's in it for them? What makes this offer so irresistible that they absolutely can't ignore it right now? Why should today be the day they act on your message instead of tomorrow or next week?

Finally, if possible (and relevant), include some form of emphasis on how much time they have left before whatever special deal ends or limited offer runs out—this can help drive urgency throughout the course of an email campaign by reminding subscribers that time is running out on their chance at saving money or getting something valuable for free.

Urgency is your friend.

If you want to generate more engagement, make sure your call-to-action stands out. Make it clear why the reader should act now, instead of later. The more urgent, the better—and this doesn't just apply to sales copy either. If you're writing a blog post or an article that needs sharing and reposting, consider adding in a sense of urgency as well. You can do this by giving them a reason to share now rather than later (e.g., "Check out our latest blog post on why we need another round of funding!").

First things first.

When it comes to calls-to-action, you need to make sure that your audience has a clear idea of what they will get out of the CTA. Make sure that the call-to-action is relevant to the content and that it’s not only clear but concise as well. An example? Your call-to-action should be easy to find and easy to understand—no one wants to click on something they don’t know what it does or how it works; ultimately, this can lead them down a rabbit hole (which isn’t good).

Users are more likely to engage when they know exactly what will happen next.

People are more likely to engage when they know exactly what will happen next. Tell them what they will get, how much it costs, and how long it'll take.

You can also tell them about the benefits of what you're offering:

"Get your free quote in seconds."

"Get your life back."

A compelling offer can be really effective as well: "Save 50% today!"

And finally, make sure the headline is clear and concise so people understand what it is that you're offering right away.

Location matters.

The second most-important thing to consider is the location of your call-to-action. Where you place the CTA on your landing page or website will have a big impact on how many people click it. This is true for desktop, mobile phone, tablet and laptop users.

Here are some tips for optimizing your CTA placement:

  • Place it above the fold. For desktop users, around 30% of clicks happen before users scroll down more than halfway through a page (this number may be higher for smaller devices like phones and tablets). That’s why it’s important to make sure your Call To Action stands out near the top of every page. Make sure you’re not cramming too much content above the fold—and remember that users can scroll down further than they might expect!

Talk like a real person.

You should always write with your audience in mind. This means writing in a tone that is clear, concise and conversational. If you’re writing content for your website or blog, think about how you would speak to the people who are reading it—and then do just that.

Think about using contractions like “you’re” and “we’re.” Instead of saying “You are able to do this task using our software,” try saying something like “You can do this task using our software.” Not only will this make the copy more relatable because it sounds like real human speech patterns, but it also removes unnecessary words which can improve readability by removing clutter from the sentence structure (i.e., not ending sentences with prepositions).

Another way to improve conversational tone is by including pronouns such as “I/me/myself" or "we/us" vs "our company." By doing so, readers will feel like they're being spoken directly instead of having marketing speak thrown at them over and over again!

Use color theory to inspire action.

Color can be a powerful tool to inspire action. It can create a sense of urgency, convey emotion and draw attention to specific elements. The following examples show how you can use color to inspire action:

  • Red is the most eye-catching color for calls-to-action because it’s associated with danger and stop signs (think: “Stop!”). If you want your audience to take immediate action, try using red for your CTA button or text on your landing page.

  • Yellow is another great option for CTAs because it inspires optimism and energy — two feelings that will help drive conversions in almost any industry.

  • Purple is often associated with royalty, luxury and creativity — all traits that are desirable by customers looking at products online such as a luxury car or home decor items like bedding sets or artwork prints!

Use visual cues to get attention and drive action.

  • Use visual cues to get attention and drive action.

  • Use color theory to inspire action.

  • Choose the right colors for your call-to-action buttons.

  • Choose a contrasting color for buttons and text, but don't use too much contrast or it'll look like you're shouting at people!

These tips can help you create better CTAs for your business

It's easy to overlook the importance of creating a good CTA. But, you'd be surprised how much this small part of your marketing strategy can affect your bottom line.

CTAs are an important part of any marketing strategy. If you're looking for more conversions and engagement from your campaigns, consider these tips:

  • Make sure your CTA is clear and concise. Not only should it be easy to understand what you want people to do when they see it, but also that there aren't any other options available on the page where users might click accidentally instead of what you want them too (i.e., "Start Your Free Trial" vs "Get My Free Trial").

  • Make sure that whatever action you're asking people to take is relevant for them based on their current experience with the website or service (i.e., don't show an ad for dentures if someone's just visited a page about braces).

  • Make sure it's easy for users to find your CTA in order for them not only see what needs doing but also complete actions after seeing these prompts as well

We hope these tips will help you create more effective CTAs. CTA stands for “call-to-action,” and they’re a vital part of any marketing campaign. The purpose is simple: they get people to do what you want them to do (for example, click through on an ad or visit a website). But creating good CTAs isn’t always easy; it takes some trial and error before finding one that works well for your business. So if none of these tips are working for you right away—don’t worry! Keep experimenting until something clicks with your audience (or try out another tactic entirely).

About Digital Style House

Digital Style House is a creative marketing agency helping brands and bloggers build, grow, and transform their digital brand into a professional, engaging and world-class business. 

At Digital Style House we provide website design, branding, social media management and content creation. We design customized packages for many different clients including fashion bloggers, designers, stylists and e-commerce brands. 

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